Maria Coletsis
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Intermission is a series of images made during the Covid 19 pandemic, addressing the protection of the environment and how halting our continual intrusion into nature might revitalize it. This unprecedented experience brought much to a stop from combustion, construction, mining, agriculture and warfare; the environmental benefits became visible quickly.  Air quality improved as people stayed home and practiced social distancing but it became clear to me that the environment needs a mask from the human race and its use of fossil fuels. This sudden break from industry pollutants and the use of freshwater to transport waste away from facilities has given the environment a chance to thrive. Each image exposes the threat pollution poses to our natural world and ultimately to the human population. To aid in the reduction of spread for future epidemics, reducing air pollution now will be important because pollution damages our respiratory systems making all of us more susceptible to such viruses


Artist In Focus, Art Scene Athens Online Magazine

NFT Artist Perspective, Richmond News Canada

Intermission Article, Richmond Newspaper, Canada

Burlesque Website

Maria Coletsis Resume/CV

Visit my New Online Store- Maria ArtWear

Maria Coletsis works with issues concerned with identity and sexuality.
Primarily using photography, Maria is an artist who incorporates into her diverse works: painting, digital media and computer installations. Since receiving her MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute, she has exhibited her artwork in galleries internationally. Her photographs were included in the East London Photography Festival, chosen by the curator of the Whitney Museum for the Viridian Gallery open call in New York and solo art exhibition and book launch at the De Luca Gallery in Toronto for her recently published photography book, Behind the Whip: Dominatrix. She continues to investigate and photograph subculture subject matter and has introduced elements from nature to explore our human nature.

Get a Blanket- Give a Blanket
Indigogo crowd funding campaign achieved for the donation of my art blanket to long term care homes and children in hospital.

Fractal Forest








Behind the Whip: Dominatrix is a photography book of portraits and interviews taken on location, in the city and dungeon of each participating global Dominatrix. To do so, Maria traveled to the City's of London, Berlin, Paris, Tokyo, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Sydney, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Montreal and Glasgow to interview and photograph the Mistresses. Watch the behind the scenes of the making of the book. Mistress Documentary Behind the Whip: Dominatrix - YouTube

  See all the reviews, interviews and related press @ Behind The Whip  Buy the Book now at Amazon or Etsy.

 Watch the video interview with The Georgia Straight

 Maria also received honourable mention in this years Women in Photography Faces juried exhibition                 

The images on this site are for sale and commissioned projects are welcome. For more information email: